Aspirations and projects for Hersham?

By | September 11, 2016

Since the original post about this (see July 21, 2016) – various suggestions have been put forward as detailed below:-

PLEASE NOTE:- these are at this stage simply ideas, projects and aspirations put forward by groups and individuals; they are not endorsed by the HRA but we hope they will encourage and focus debate about what might benefit Hersham in the future.  Further comments and suggestions would be welcome.


  • Make a schedule of trees that enhance the street scene of Hersham, and help advise Elmbridge which trees in Hersham need protection by making tree preservation orders for them.
  • Establish a cash point machine in Hersham Centre which is free – with no charges.
  • Create some kind of ‘Hersham Hero award’ – based on nominations to identify and recognise a person who has done something significant, perhaps behind the scenes, to benefit Hersham
  • Start up a range of clubs and societies (where these are not provided for elsewhere).  These could perhaps be advertised and promoted though a connection with the HRA.  For example – does Hersham need a chess club, and cycling club, perhaps it’s own theatre group?  Any thoughts or ideas along these lines – we would be interested to hear.
  • A cycle lane down the Queens Road from Sir Richards Bridge roundabout – and along other busy roads in Hersham to make them safer and more cycle friendly
  • Hold a potato / marrow / or pumpkin growing competition
  • Explore seriously the idea of having a bridge over the river Mole which would allow walkers access from the Burhill Road / Turners Lane area on the Hersham side to West End village.
  • Explore the idea of Hersham being twinned with another town in Europe or beyond
  • Hold some kind of Christmas market in Hersham Green Shopping Centre
  • Carry out some kind of survey designed to find out / confirm what Hersham residents want

Background to this post:-

At an HRA committee meeting in July it was suggested that during the year it would be useful piece of work to create, collate and consult on a list of aspirations and projects which would benefit Hersham.

It was agreed the ‘aspirations and projects list’ could include a wide range of ambitious and more modest ideas and projects. The list would not need to specify what organisation would carry each initiative forward or exactly when.

It was felt that the list would allow the HRA and others to better prepared when new ideas are sought by:

  • individual benefactors
  • Elmbridge council as part of the CIL grant applications process
  • those discussing the potential initiatives which a Community Council could take on.

If you have any ideas, thoughts about initiatives and projects which you think would benefit Hersham and its residents
– then please mailto:

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