Hersham Green Shopping Centre: – Drop-in events update on new plans 13th and 15th July

By | July 9, 2023

Following initial feedback (for example http://www.hershamresidents.info/blog/?p=1730) and strong continuing local opposition to the quadrant plans – the developers have now put forward some new proposals, details of which were posted through letterboxes of local residents recently. If you missed this leaflet from developers Quadrant / La Salle – a copy is available here: – http://www.hershamresidents.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Hersham-Green-leaflet-July-2023.pdf

The developer’s leaflet invites local residents to find out more about the revised plans and talk to the project team and leave further feedback at one of forthcoming their ‘drop-in’ events to be being held on:-

  • Thursday 13th July from 3:00 pm – 7 pm and
  • Saturday 15th July from 10 am – 2 pm

(both the above are to be held in the former Martin’s shop in the H Green centre.) – An on-line webinar was also referred to on Monday 17 July from 6 pm – 7 pm, and apparently you can register for this at: https://www.hershamgreenproposals.co.uk/home/

The HRA would encourage local residents to attend these events and raise relevant questions concerns or queries concerning, for example the linked questions of car park capacity and numbers of dwellings now proposed. Then there are the issues about retaining retail and the current public toilet facilities.

Concerning the key issues – you may remember the flip charts from a previous HRA meeting which you can still access here
http://www.hershamresidents.info/blog/?p=1721 highlighted a range of important points linked to: –

  • infrastructure capacity (health / Drs / schools etc / local roads etc)
  • Retaining car parking capacity* to help Hersham to continue to function as viable retail and social centre
  • Concern about the number of residential units proposed*

*We understand these interlinked areas still rather ‘undefined’ – and are of course crucial to the capacity issues highlighted in the first bullet point. The HRA feel therefore that the new proposals need to be looked at carefully with a fair but critical eye.

Postcard campaign: The HRA would like to thank all those who have filled in and returned one of the protest postcards. Many hundreds have been submitted to the council and have helped highlight the strength of local feeling about the proposals and particularly about 200 dwellings being referenced for the Hersham Green Centre in the Elmbridge local plan.

The great and continuing concern is that this figure remaining in the plan could be used by the developers and the council as an indictive capacity for the site. – So keep sending in the postcards until the end of this month.

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