HRA useful meeting on 24th September 2019

By | September 27, 2019

HRA meeting
The HRA held a very useful meeting on 24th September 2019 ñ- A few key extracts from the meeting are reported below in no particular order:
Dates mentioned during the meeting:
Date of next HRA meeting was agreed as 5th November – at the Watermans Arms Function Room as normal, all welcome please mark this in your diaries.
The date of the Christmas in Hersham gathering was re-confirmed as 14th December
A quiz to be run by the HVS on Friday 25th October to raise money for Elmbridge Mencap (at the Day Centre)was highlighted
It was noted that Remembrance Sunday falls on the 10th of November this year, and the HRA as normal will be be laying a wreath on behalf of Hersham residents.
Other Hersham news:
Village hall reopening – it was reported that there had been some recent debate about this amongst Elmbridge elected members and issues had been raised about cost etc, it was agreed that our committee should try and find out more about the current situation and then comment as required.
Although we have over 1000 Twitter followers, it was agreed that the HRA could do more to raise their profile on social media. As part of this, it was agreed that at a new Facebook page should be established and promoted with fresh passwords that would potentially allow several volunteers to help manage and promote it.
There was a discussion about social events and it was agreed that the 14th of December Christmas Hersham gathering will need careful thought and organisational planning very soon – any volunteers who would like to assist would be welcome (plse email
Various other possible events were raised for discussion / any updates including a dog show and the possibility of a Hersham Carnival; more consideration was needed to decide whether either of these might be viable
The local plan consultation was discussed.
Whilst the undesirability of unbalanced development across the UK leading to continued ‘overbuilding’ in the South East was highlighted, the necessity for some more homes in Elmbridge and the reality of government targets were also recognised.
Alongside the need to provide new homes – the crucial need for the necessary supporting infrastructure was also highlighted.
It was recognised there could be advantages of larger developments which Incorporated infrastructure at the planning stage; and disadvantages of small-scale piecemeal infill type development which woud alter existing residential densities – but perhaps not be accompanied by the necessary infrastructure.
For these (above) reasons, the committee were most drawn to option 3 of the consultation proposals. It was agreed the HRA would respond to the consultation to reflect these (initial) views.
There was discussion about the River Mole Sluce Gate improvement scheme, which it was understood has now been dropped; the committee was pleased with this news
Hersham Riverside was briefly discussed and it was noted that a leaflet on this subject with input from Elmbridge is still pending

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