HRA AGM Thursday 17 May – 7.00 for 7.30 WI Hall Burhill Rd
By HRA Admin | May 13, 2018
Do come along – all are welcome, whether you are an HRA member of not. This year after some short AGM business, wine/soft drinks etc our speaker will tell us about her work at Elmbridge Museum, and a project she is researching about Hersham during the 1st and 2nd world wars.
During the evening there will be a chance to hear about, raise and discuss local issues. There will be an update on Hersham Youth Club and the Hersham Community Council campaign. – So please join us for an interesting, informative and sociable evening. We look forward to seeing you at the WI Hall at 7.00 – for a 7.30 start.
[The WI Hall in Burhill Road is the green painted building 50 yards up Burhill Rd after you turn off Burwood Rd by St Peters Church.]
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